Finding ways to improve your English skills at home during your quarantine can be entertaining and productive. You can try different activities and not to feel the pressure of doing a test or turning in homework. Using the Covid-19 lockdown to get better at English or any other language is the best way to use your spare time.
So, if the goal during this quarantine period is to improve your knowledge of any language try any of these handy tips.

Read English books/newspapers:

Reading is the perfect way of practicing English at your own pace and without a teacher. Just have in mind your level if you are a beginner to intermediate try picking up a children’s book with easier language than an adult´s book.

Newspapers are also a good option. You can learn about what is happening in the world today by reading free newspapers and magazines even, tabloid-style with more basic language. If you don’t like to read, try listening to an audiobook. You can find a wide range of free downloadable books online. Some books are narrated by famous people making it fun to listen. Try repeating and looking up any new word.

Watch television/films in English:

Why not learning English while watching a film or TV show at home during your lockdown? There are tons of options if you have an online streaming platform or you can also try changing the language on your TV. If you are a beginner to an upper-intermediate student, put on the subtitles to read and listen at the same time. Another idea is to listen to podcasts or radio programs, there are lots of free options on the internet. This way you can learn something new or be up-to-date with what’s happening around the world and learn new vocabulary.

Chat in English:

How about befriending an English speaker or someone from another country? By doing so you’ll be forced to speak English. Go online and download an app or try to look for some online language exchange websites. It’s easy to meet new people, get to know different cultures and learn things like slang or phrases that you normally don’t learn in a classroom.

Listening to music:

Music is always an entertaining way of learning. There’s an infinite amount of music to listen to for free. Try watching a music video and turning on the lyrics to sing along. If you come across any word that you don’t know search for its meaning.

Teacher: Jennifer Cruz